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These 11 Lifestyle Habits Will Save Your Skin

These 11 Lifestyle Habits Will Save Your Skin

Everyone wants to achieve glowing, healthy skin, but investing in all the best skincare products simply isn’t enough — you also need to follow healthy lifestyle habits to make your skin radiant from the inside. Here are 11 skin-saving tips to start following today. Say hello to beautiful skin!

1. Avoid soaking up the sun

Did you know that the most common culprit of skin damage and wrinkles is sun exposure? You should minimize how much time you spend under the harmful rays, such as by staying indoors between 11am and 3pm, which are the hottest hours of the day. You should also wear long and loose clothing that blocks out the sun and wear a quality sunscreen with an SPF of at least 50. All of these healthy habits will protect your skin.

2. Zap your unhealthy stress levels

If you let stress get to you, it will show up on your skin. Stress hormones such as cortisol break down elastin and collagen, both of which produce smoother and youthful skin. Engaging in healthy lifestyle habits to reduce your stress, such as walking in nature, doing tai chi, or practicing meditation can help you to better control frustrating situations so they don’t wreak havoc on your skin.

3. Clean your makeup brushes

When last did you clean your makeup brushes? If you can’t remember when last you did, you’re transferring germs and bacteria onto your skin. These unhygienic brushes collect dirt, oil, and makeup that can cause your skin to break out. You might even get a nasty rash or infection! Clean your makeup brushes with your facial cleanser and lukewarm water at least once a week.

4. Wash your face with warm (not hot!) water

While it might feel soothing to wash your face with hot water in the colder months, this isn’t doing your skin any favors. It’s stripping your skin of its natural healthy oils that keep it hydrated and moisturized. The result? Dry, itchy skin that looks inflamed. Stick to warm water!

5. Limit your coffee intake

Yes, you love your morning coffee, but you should limit how many cups you consume. Too much caffeine can disrupt your body’s hormones and dehydrate your skin. Try switching to healthier caffeine-free drinks such as herbal teas. If you can’t quit your coffee habit altogether, at least try upping your water intake to keep your skin supple.

6. Feed your skin vitamins

Stop indulging in processed foods because unhealthy fats, sugars, and salts are causing your skin to look dull and inflamed. Instead, include healthier foods in your diet, such as fresh fruits and vegetables that are filled with skin-savvy ingredients like Vitamin C for a brighter complexion. A balanced diet of mineral- and vitamin-rich foods helps your skin in various ways, such as by fighting free radicals with antioxidants, healing wounds, and hydrating it.

7. Quench your skin’s thirst

Good skin and staying hydrated go hand in hand. Research published in the Journal of Clinical, Cosmetic and Investigational Dermatology tested the effects of drinking a lot of water daily on skin health. In the study, one group of women drank 5.2 liters of water daily and a second group drank 3.2 liters. After a month, the researchers found that the women drinking more water had better skin hydration.

8. Be gentle with your skincare routine

If you scrub or rub your skin too much, such as when washing your face, this can cause damage in the form of discolored patches, wrinkles, and irritation. Be gentle when applying skincare products and remove them with gentle makeup removers, paying special attention to the delicate skin around your eyes. A good product to try is Clinique Naturally Gentle Eye Makeup Remover that dissolves makeup easily and doesn’t feel greasy.

9. Get your beauty rest

It’s called beauty sleep for good reason — it really does affect your skin! A study published in the Clinical and Experimental Dermatology journal found that chronic poor quality of sleep is linked to increased signs of aging and reduced skin barrier function, which dehydrates your skin. Try to get at least eight hours of sleep per night, as a study in Sleep journal found that getting less than that makes your body (and skin) less hydrated.

10. Work up a sweat

Although exercise is essential for your overall health and mental wellbeing, it’s also a skin-savvy part of your daily routine. Exercise boosts endorphins or “feel good” chemicals, while lowering stress and encouraging sleep, both of which are good for your skin. When you work out, you increase your body’s blood flow, so more oxygen and nutrients reach your skin cells. Increased blood flow also eliminates waste products such as harmful free radicals.

11. Remove your makeup every night

It’s late, the party’s over, and you just want to go to bed without washing your face. Resist the temptation! Makeup residue will clog your pores, leading to breakouts. And, makeup, pollution, and dirt that accumulate on your skin prevent its cells from renewing themselves while you sleep. The result? Dull skin and premature aging. By washing your face properly every night, you’ll also ensure your skin absorbs the healthy skincare products you apply to it so they actually work.

Images courtesy of Pexels

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