Home » These are 15 AMAZING benefits of a social media detox

These are 15 AMAZING benefits of a social media detox

These are 15 AMAZING benefits of a social media detox

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In recent years, social media has become an integral part of everyday life, enabling us to connect with others, stay updated with trends, and share our routines. Yet, the trending topic of a ‘social media detox’ has taken the world by storm, and there are some incredible benefits to taking a break from the online world, which we can’t wait to share.

1. Increases Productivity

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Truth be told, if we detox from social media channels like Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube, we will find a new sense of productivity for other hobbies or projects we have perhaps left on the back burner.

2. Relieves Anxiety

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Research has proven that heavy use of social media harms our mental wellbeing, and when we detox from these channels, we can benefit from anxiety relief.

3. Living in the Moment

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As we all know, social media takes us away from the real world and into the digital realm. Yet, one of the main benefits of a social media detox is the encouragement to live in the moment and enjoy the simple things in life, without distraction.

4. Encourages Better Sleep

Let’s face it, many of us stay connected to social channels up until bedtime, which can result in bad-quality sleep. Studies have shown there is a correlation between social media use and poor-quality sleep which can negatively affect us in many ways.

5. Focus on Meaningful Connections

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By disconnecting with our ‘followers’, we can enhance meaningful connections in real life. Oftentimes we get so distracted by our social media presence and all that comes with it, that we can neglect those who mean the world to us.

6. Relieves Stress

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Just as social media detox helps to relieve anxiety, it also helps with our stress levels. By detaching from competitive posts, which often have us checking our channels regularly, we can break this toxic cycle and de-stress from the digital world.

7. Mental Clarity

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Like any type of detox, a social media detox induces mental clarity, the same way as a detox helps to cleanse the body. By removing the information overload that comes with having an online media presence, you can benefit from having a clearer perspective.

8. More Time

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This has to be one of the main benefits of a social media detox. By switching your phone off, you can enjoy more time to do what you love and are passionate about.

9. Enhanced Focus

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Believe it or not, social media is a fantastic distraction, allowing us to procrastinate and lose focus. If we temporarily detach from this online world, we can enjoy enhanced focus on other areas in our lives.

10. Improved Self Esteem

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With social media comes comparisons, whether we like it or not. It is human nature after all. By breaking this often-toxic cycle, we can boost our self-esteem and in turn, boost our confidence.

11. Decreases ‘FOMO’ (Fear of Missing Out)

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When scrolling through our social channels we can often bring about a fear of missing out. Perhaps we see others at an event or on vacation and we fight with a sense of jealousy or envy. Yet a digital detox can decrease this sense of ‘FOMO’.

12. Focus on Special Moments

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A social media detox encourages us to focus on our special moments rather than other people’s special moments. Something incredibly important in life.

13. Encourages More Offline Activities

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Remember the days when kids would play outside rather than on their iPads, or friends socialized at a cafe rather than Messenger or WhatsApp? Saying goodbye to your social media channels encourages you to do more offline activities.

14. A Sense of Appreciation

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A digital detox is a fantastic way to enhance your sense of gratitude and appreciation for the little things in life. This is something we often overlook when we are digitally distracted.

15. Enables You to Reconnect with Others

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Instead of reconnecting with an old friend via Facebook, why not give them a call and schedule a coffee date? Social media is fantastic for finding old friends, but there is nothing quite like connecting with them in real life.

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