Home » These are 10 magical foods you NEED to eat for a glowing complexion

These are 10 magical foods you NEED to eat for a glowing complexion

These are 10 magical foods you NEED to eat for a glowing complexion

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We have all heard the term ‘you are what you eat’, but what if we could eat magical foods to promote glowing skin? Yes, believe it or not, nature has got us covered, and there are plenty of healthy foods that contribute to our skin’s radiance, with the added bonus of hydration and protection. 

Research has shown that consuming these ingredients has several excellent benefits for our skin and we are here to spill the beans so you can reap the rewards.

Let us unveil 10 magical foods you NEED to eat for a glowing complexion.

1. Kimchi

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This delicious Korean side dish has taken the world by storm for its probiotic benefits leading to better gut health. With a healthy gut comes healthy-looking skin, and kimchi is perfect for promoting a glowing complexion thanks to its high levels of probiotics, fiber, and nutrients.

2. Strawberries

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One of the most magical foods you need to eat for a glowing complexion is strawberries, given that they are rich in Vitamin C. Strawberries not only promote radiance, they also help to promote collagen production, protect the skin barrier, and let’s face it, they’re downright delicious.

3. Sunflower Seeds

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The versatility of sunflower seeds paired with their incredible benefits make them an essential ingredient in your diet. Not only are they packed full of protein, but their high levels of Vitamin E ensure powerful skin detoxification, resulting in brighter and healthier-looking skin.

4. Broccoli

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One of the magical foods you need to eat for a glowing complexion is broccoli, an ingredient readily available all year round. Broccoli boasts large amounts of protein, Vitamin C, and polyphenol antioxidants, which work together to promote a healthy gut, detoxify the skin, and inhibit the breakdown of collagen.

5. Watermelon

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Watermelon, as the name suggests, is packed full of water, which works wonders on our skin, keeping it hydrated and radiant. Keeping the skin hydrated is the best way to keep it youthful, supple, and radiant, plus watermelon is a good source of Vitamin C which has excellent antioxidant properties.

6. Seafood

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Seafood is a fantastic source of Omega 3 fatty acids, amino acids as well as antioxidants, which encourage stronger skin cells, promote collagen production, and keep the skin hydrated. Vitamin B2 is what will contribute to that radiant glow we are all seeking, thanks to its toxin and free radical fighting properties. 

7. Kale

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Kale is often considered the king of green leafy vegetables, a category of magical foods that work wonders on our skin. Dermatologists have proven that this nutrient and antioxidant-rich vegetable has the power to fight free radicals and toxins which can eliminate a dull complexion, amongst many other benefits.

8. Cucumber

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Like watermelon, cucumber is made up of mostly water, and it’s not uncommon to see many cucumber-infused skincare products for that reason. Cucumbers will intensely hydrate the skin, which will in turn increase your skin’s radiance, leaving you looking and feeling refreshed.

9. Avocados

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Avocados are one of the top magical foods you need to eat for a glowing complexion, since they are rich in monounsaturated fats and Vitamin A/C, to target dryness and promote strong tissues. Studies have shown that eating one avocado per day can improve your skin’s firmness, radiance, and elasticity.

10. Oily Fish

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Like seafood, oily fish is an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential for our body but cannot be produced from within. Salmon, mackerel, and trout are great options for those seeking to improve their skin’s radiance since they are bursting full of skin-boosting nutrients. 

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