Home » Want to look snatched? 5 face exercises that appear to give you a facelift

Want to look snatched? 5 face exercises that appear to give you a facelift

Have you ever heard about facial exercises? Yep, you read that right—exercises for your face! Just like we hit the gym or do yoga to keep our bodies fit and toned, our faces can benefit from a little workout too. Let’s dive in!

What Are Facial Exercises?

Facial exercises, also called “facial fitness” or “face yoga,” are a series of movements and stretches designed to work out the muscles of your face. It’s a natural way to keep your face looking fresh and toned.

These exercises can range from simple, quick routines you can do while watching TV, to more structured practices that focus on lifting and firming areas like your cheeks, jawline, and forehead.

What Results to Expect

Face yoga reduces wrinkles, enhances facial contours, and gives your face a more defined look, all without the need for expensive creams or treatments. By engaging and strengthening the facial muscles, these exercises help improve circulation and skin elasticity.

Is It All Hype?

Facial exercises have garnered quite a bit of attention as a natural method for toning the face. But with all the buzz, it’s worth asking: Do these exercises really work?

A study published in JAMA Dermatology involved middle-aged women performing 30 minutes of facial exercises daily for 20 weeks. The participants saw a noticeable improvement in the fullness of their cheeks, giving them a more youthful look. This study shows that a little dedication to facial workouts can really pay off.

However, cosmetic surgeons argue that repetitive movements might deepen wrinkles, depending on how they are performed.

How Long It Might Take to See Changes

Let’s keep it real—while some folks notice a firmer, more youthful look, the results aren’t overnight miracles. It takes consistent practice, and the changes can be subtle.

The effectiveness of facial exercises can vary greatly from person to person. Factors such as age, skin type, and the specific techniques used all play a role in how beneficial these exercises may be for you.

Top 5 Facial Exercises For a Toned Face

Here’s a list of some common facial exercises to get you started:

1. Cheek Lifts

Want those high, defined cheekbones? Cheek lifts are a go-to move.

How to do it: Smile broadly while keeping your lips closed. Then, place your fingers lightly on the tops of your cheeks and gently push them upward. Hold for a few seconds, release, and repeat. It’s like lifting weights but for your cheeks!

2. Jawline Definer

A sculpted jawline is just a few moves away.

How to do it: Lean your head back a bit and extend your lower jaw forward. Hold for a few seconds, then relax. Repeat a few times.

3. Eye Firmer

Brighten up those eyes and reduce puffiness.

How to do it: Place your index fingers at the outer corners of your closed eyes. At the same time, try to open your eyes against the resistance. Hold for a few seconds, then relax. This can help firm the muscles around your eyes and reduce sagging.

4. Lip Plumper

For fuller, firmer lips, give this one a try.

How to do it: Pucker up your lips as if you’re about to kiss someone, then hold the position for a few seconds. Next, smile as wide as you can with your lips still puckered. Hold for a few seconds, then relax. This strengthens the muscles around your mouth and can give your lips a more defined look.

5. Neck Tightener

Don’t forget about your neck—it needs some love too!

How to do it: Lean your head back. Push your tongue against the roof of your mouth and hold for a few seconds. You should feel the muscles in your neck and under your chin tighten. Relax and repeat. This exercise helps tone the neck and reduce the appearance of a double chin.

With these techniques, you can give your face a natural lift and boost. So go ahead, put on a smile, and let’s get those facial muscles moving!

How to Get Started

Here are our practical tips on how to incorporate facial exercises into your routine:

Consistency Is Key

Just like any workout, regular practice will yield the best results. Aim to do these exercises a few times a week.

Go Easy

Start slowly and gently. There’s no need to overdo it—your facial muscles can get sore, just like any other muscle.

Make It Fun

Incorporate these exercises into your daily routine. Do them while watching TV, listening to music, or even during your skincare routine.

All images sourced from Unsplash.