Home » Skinminimalism: The Lazy Girl’s Guide to Gorgeous Skin

Skinminimalism: The Lazy Girl’s Guide to Gorgeous Skin

Are your bathroom cabinets and drawers overflowing with skincare products, which you don’t use? It can be stressful to keep up with all the latest skincare products, but you don’t need to purchase all of them to achieve healthy, beautiful skin. If this sounds appealing, you’ll love the “skinminimalism” trend!

What is “Skinminimalism”?

The skinminimalism trend is all about making the least amount of effort with your skincare routine, so it doesn’t have to feel like a chore or challenge. By choosing products you really need instead of ones that are blowing up on social media, you’ll be more likely to stick to a regular skincare routine.

So, the best rule to follow is to choose fewer skincare products but ensure they’re filled with quality ingredients to nourish your skin — that’s key! The bonus of doing this is lowering your risk of skin irritation or allergies.

Here are five skinminimalism tips to help you embrace the “less is more” skin philosophy!

1. Master the essentials.

First, ensure you have your three main skincare products: a cleanser, moisturizer, and sunscreen. You should always match them to your skin type, or you’re giving your skin what you think it needs, but that isn’t doing much to keep it soft and healthy.

For example, if you have oily skin, you’ll want to consider a gel cleanser that doesn’t feel greasy, and a non-comedogenic moisturizer that won’t cause breakouts. Similarly, your sunscreen should have a light, non-greasy formula.

On the other hand, if you have dry skin, you’ll want to opt for skincare products containing hydrating ingredients such as ceramides or squalane to amp up moisture.

2. Zero in on your skin’s needs.

Focusing on your specific skin issues will guide you to choose the best products to make your skin healthier. Buy products containing actives which target skin issues, such as Vitamin C for dullness and retinol for lines and wrinkles.

Pro tip: Stick to a maximum of two or three actives (such as acids or retinoids) so you don’t overwhelm your skin with too many powerful ingredients.

3. Choose skincare multitaskers.

It’s wise to shop for skincare products with multiple functions. This not only reduces bathroom clutter but also speeds up your skincare routine!

Examples of multi-tasking products include a serum for dark spots that brighten skin, cleansers containing exfoliants, and tinted moisturizers that give you light coverage while protecting your skin from harmful UV rays.

4. Declutter your skincare routine.

If you purchase lots of skincare products that catch your eye but take up space in your collection, they’re not serving you. It’s time to clear away the clutter!

Look at your products and ask yourself if you’ve used them within the last three months. If the answer is “no,” it’s time to let them go. Replace them with products that are tailored to your skin so you can enjoy their benefits.

5. Embrace a holistic approach.

Your skincare routine shouldn’t start and end in front of the mirror. If you embrace skinminimalism, you should focus on achieving good skin with healthier habits, such as diet and lifestyle.

Eating healthy foods, staying hydrated, and encouraging quality sleep make a positive difference in your health and complexion. Remember, good skin starts on the inside!

Images courtesy of Pexels.