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How often should you REALLY wash your hair? The truth unveiled

How often should you REALLY wash your hair?

When it comes to keeping our hair in optimal health, we must look at how often we wash it. Believe it or not, this question is on everyone’s lips, and we will unveil the truth in this article. While having freshly washed and styled hair is a ritual we all enjoy, the truth is that many of us have been approaching the art of hair washing the wrong way, and now it is time to say hello to better hair-washing habits. 

So, how often should you REALLY wash your hair? Let’s explore what the experts have advised. 

Less is More – How often should you REALLY wash your hair?

Free Nature Girl photo and picture

You may have heard the term ‘less is more,’ and we need to remember this when it comes to washing our hair since overwashing can have damaging effects. The truth is that the more we wash our hair, the less we allow our natural oils – those that contribute to lustrous locks, to get to work.  If you seek healthy-looking hair, it is imperative to resist the urge to wash it often; research shows that we should aim to wash it JUST TWICE per week for best results – but this also depends on a few factors.

So, what are the experts saying?

According to dermatologists, washing your hair too often can lead to breakage, dryness, and run the risk of stripping natural oils, which are imperative for a healthy scalp.

Consider dry shampoos!

close-up of blonde haired woman in the outdoors

Dry shampoos are an excellent choice for in-between washes, but overuse can potentially cause scalp issues and inhibit hair growth.

Look at the ingredients

Woman brushing long hair

Experts have stated that when washing hair, seek out products free of harsh chemicals like PEG, propylene glycol, and sulfates.

How often should you wash?

woman with shiny black hair

Those with excessively oily hair should aim to wash their hair every 48 hours, but a good rule of thumb is 2 – 3 days for standard hair types.

Cater to your hair type

Women in swimwear and red swim caps sitting by pool

Hair experts have suggested that those with colored, textured, and curly hair should go longer without washes than those with fine hair.

So, when should you wash your hair? What you need to know

Free Woman Hair Drying photo and picture

Experts have said that the best time to wash your hair is when you see excess oil building up on the scalp. It takes a few days for oil to build up, so washing your hair twice weekly is the best for optimal results.

Research backed data

Research has shown that overwashing and not washing enough can inhibit hair growth and cause itchiness or dryness, so getting the balance right is crucial for healthy hair. 

Some tips we know

Using a natural dry shampoo between washes is a great option, giving you a fresher feeling while not necessarily ‘stripping’ your hair’s oils, but as dermatologists have warned, not to over-use these products. Are you suffering from dandruff, itchy scalp, or dry, dull, and lifeless locks?

These are some symptoms of over-washing

A woman relaxes in water filled with foam

These are just some of the symptoms of washing your hair too frequently. However, if you are ready to take your hair health to the next level, resist the urge to grab those products, allow your hair to replenish itself, and continually seek natural products that contribute to your hair’s vitality. 

Learn your hair type

Lastly, follow expert advice and wash your hair according to your hair type, texture, and oil production levels for best results.

Image credits: Pixabay.com

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