Home » Science Behind Anti-Aging Skincare: What Really Works (According to Experts)

Science Behind Anti-Aging Skincare: What Really Works (According to Experts)

The aging process is natural, but science has several treatments available for people who want to keep their skin looking young. 

If you know how anti-aging skincare works, it’ll be easier to pick out what will work best among the many products being offered. 

Here’s a list of tried-and-true methods according to experts.


1. Retinoids: The Ultimate Skin Care Solution


Retinoids are compounds derived from vitamin A and are deemed the most effective anti-aging ingredients on the market. 

They work by quickening cell turnover, thus fading fine lines and wrinkles and enhancing the skin’s texture and tone. 

It is advisable to begin with a small amount to allow for acclimatization before increasing the dose.


2. Vitamin C: The Brightening Agent


An excellent antioxidant containing Vitamin C should guard your skin against damages caused by unfriendly molecules caused by direct sun rays and dirt. 

It also boosts the development of collagen, decreasing fold appearance and enhancing flexibility in the epidermis. 

Go for lotions rich in L-ascorbic acid, which is deemed the most powerful antioxidant and most efficient form of Vitamin C.


3. Sunscreen for Best Protection


Using sunscreen every day helps prevent premature aging. When collagen and elastin fibers are exposed to UV rays, they become weak, causing the skin to wrinkle and become loose. 

Dermatologists recommend applying a broad-spectrum SPF 30 or higher sunblock every two hours outside and wearing protective clothing.


4. Peptides: The Building Blocks


Peptides, short chains of amino acids, are the building blocks of proteins such as elastin and collagen. 

They tell the skin when to make more collagen, which helps strengthen it and reduce fine lines. For the best results, add serums or moisturizers with peptides to your daily skincare routine.


5. Hyaluronic Acid: The Ultimate Hydration Expert


The skin will look thicker and smoother because this humectant can retain water. The best ingredient for minimizing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles is one that holds up to 1,000 times its weight in water. To maximize its hydration qualities, apply it after patting your skin dry.


6. Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHAs): Exfoliate Your Skin


They are powerful exfoliants that can make dark skin cells fall off, thereby making your skin look uniformly lighter. 

These particular acids (glycolic acid, lactic acid), if used frequently enough, also have the capacity to produce more collagen, which would then result in firmer skin overall. 

You may want to start with smaller amounts so as not to irritate your skin too much at first and build up over time.


Final Thoughts

It might be scary to think about diving into the world of skincare meant to keep you looking young. However, exploring ingredients and methods proven by science makes a huge difference. 

To delay the aging process and have skin that stays young and glowing, inculcate these factors into your routine as directed by certified professionals. 

Keep in mind that regularity and persistence are essential if you’re looking for long-term results from any of these suggestions.




  1. kelley geiger
    June 24, 2024 / 2:17 pm

    I am so happy to have discovered you during the pandemic. I was wondering if you have any favorites or suggestions for body sunscreens…..I used super goop for a long time but would like to try something else. I do buy the everyday play large which is pricey. Thank you for help….

  2. Renee
    June 29, 2024 / 11:38 pm

    Hi Kelley! Probably the one I use and love the most is the La Roche Posay Anthelios Melt-in-milk spf60. They even have it with SPF100. It’s protected me while farming in Arizona in the noon day sun!